
EuroSciPy aims to be the meeting point of maintainers of scientific open source projects, with other contributors and their users.

Maintainers Track

The maintainers track are informal sessions intended for discussions among contributors.

Please email us if you have a proposal for a maintainers session.

All the sessions will take place in the room.


The final schedule will be anonunced in the Program section of the website once the Call for Proposals is closed and proposals have been reviewed and selected.

If you are a maintainer of a popular scientific Python project and you are considering joining EuroSciPy after the CFP is close, please do get in touch at our maintainers email address to see if we still have a slot available for you to talk at the conference.


Open source projects will be sprinting at EuroSciPy on August 18th.

You can find more information about sprints in the Sprint page.

Please email us if you have a proposal for a maintainers session.